Showing posts with label J2EE Applications Performance Tuning Part 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J2EE Applications Performance Tuning Part 1. Show all posts

Monday, 10 August 2009

J2EE Applications Performance Tuning Part 1

When it comes to enterprise scale Java applications there maybe severe performance degradations due to software architecture design flaws and application Infrastructure setup.

The performance degradation can occur due to faulty code causing:

        - Memory Leaks
        - Inefficient thread pooling and connection pooling.
        - Leaky Sessions
        - Absence of optimised caching mechanism
        - Improper use of synchronization &
         Collections framework implementation classes in code.

Memory leaks

Memory leaks occur when faulty application code results in lingering reference being maintained of unused/unwanted objects even after process completion. Thus preventing the garbage collector from re-claiming the memory occupied by these unwanted objects. This will result in more and more leaked objects filling up the heap (especially the tenured space in the heap) and cause severe performance degradation of the application and may finally result in an OutOfMemoryError, if the JVM is unable to allocate enough memory for a new instance of an object in the heap.

-:Possible Solutions:-

1. Inspect the growth pattern of the Heap to identify trends.

2. Start the application inside a memory profiler. Execute a request take a snapshot of the heap. Then re-execute the request and again take a snapshot of the heap. compare the two snapshots and try and identify live objects which belong to the older request and should not appear in the results of the second execution. You may need to re-run the request a number of times before being able to identify leaked objects.

3. A temporary solution to the problem may be an application server re-start. However solutions 1,2 mentioned above can be used to identify objects causing memory leaks and the application refactored to resolve the issue permanently.

Inefficient thread pooling and database connection pooling configurations

Improper sizing of the thread execution pool in an application server may result in severe performance degradation. This is because the thread pool size determines the number of simultaneous requests that can be processed at one time by the application server. If the pool size is too small, then this will result in a large number of requests waiting in the queue to be picked up. Alternatively if the pool size is too large, then a lot of time will be wasted due to context switching between threads.

Improper sizing of database connection pooling e.g. JDBC connection pooling can also result in severe performance degradation. This is because if the pool size is too small then a large number of requests will have to wait due to unavailability of database connection. Alternatively if the connection pool is too large, then a lot of application server resources will be wasted in maintaining a large number of connections and there will be a excessive load on the database as well, resulting in poor database performance.

-:Possible Solutions:-

1.Analyze CPU usage vs Thread pool usage percentage.
  • If CPU usage is low but thread pool usage is high, this is an indication that the thread pool is too small and optimum system resources not being utilized by the application. Hence the pool size should be increased proportionately.

  • If CPU usage is high but thread pool usage is low, this is an indication that the thread pool is too large and lot of resources are being used for context switching between threads. Hence the pool size should be reduced proportionately.

2.Analyze CPU usage vs JDBC connection pool usage percentage.
  • Low CPU usage but high JDBC connection pool utilization indicates connection pool is too small resulting in database and CPU resources being under utilized.

  • High CPU usage but low JDBC connection pool utilization indicates connection pool is too large and needs to be reduced in size.

Leaky Sessions

A leaky session does not leak anything, it actually consumes memory that belongs to session objects causing memory leak. This memory is eventually reclaimed when the session times out. These kind of sessions can also result in an application's performance degradation due to high memory consumption and can even result in OutOfMemoryError and application server crash if they happen to get created in large numbers.

-:Possible Solutions:-

1.Increase the Heap size to accomodate the sessions causing memory problems.
2. Encourage application users to logoff when not using the application, in order to reduce the number of active sessions.
3. Decrease the session timeout interval if possible so that the session expires within a shorter time window which can reduce the number of active sessions at any given time resulting in less memory usage.
4. Refactor the application if possible to reduce the information held by session scoped variables.

Absence of optimised caching mechanism

An absence of optimised caching mechanism can also result in poor application performance.If an enterprise scale application does not have a in-memory distributed caching mechanism, then the scalability of the application will be severely affected and over a period of time with increasing transactional load on the system will result in deteriotating system performance. Cache clusters with in-memory distributed caching mechanism can prevent this from happening.

Frameworks like Ehcache or Terracota allows distributed caching.

They allow:
  • Both memory and disk cache storage.

  • Provide APIs for caching Hibernate,JMS, SOAP/REST web service objects.

  • Enables efficient cache handling using cacheManagers, cache listeners, cache loaders, cache exception handlers etc.

Improper use of Synchronization & Collections framework implementation classes in code.

A J2EE application's performance can be severely affected due to improper use of synchronization and inefficient use of the implementation classes of java collections framework.

  • Large synchronized blocks in code can slow down application performance due to lengthy locking periods.

  • Try and avoid using Vectors and HashTables wherever possible and replace them with ArrayList and HashMaps.